Healthcare 101
In this module, you will be able to identify how biological and social systems are features of human well-being and health.
You'll be able to describe important organizations
in the US healthcare system and be able to discuss specific examples that document high cost and possible waste
in the US healthcare system. You'll be able to identify and discuss the knowing-doing gap and
be able to describe evidence-based efforts to transform fragmented care processes into coordinated patient-centered activities.
Concepts and Categories
In this module, you will be able to compare forms
of communication and describe why people us ontologies to describe the world.
You'll be able to describe the evolution of standardized railroads
in the US and recognize why the evolution of railroad tracks also applies to medical terminologies.
You'll be able to analyze a dataset with disease codes and also be able to select which codes refer to specific diseases.
You'll be able to match different terminologies with different descriptive domains
as well as be able to contrast the different ways of organizing information into hierarchies or other categories.
Healthcare Data
In this module, you will be able to identify different types of medical processes
and be able to explain why specific data formats emerged from these varied processes.
You'll be able to list numerous data types that are found within EHRs and link specific clinical processes that created these outputs.
You'll be able to trace why various types of administrative data are collected and describe the value of this data for analytics.
You'll be able to identify the common ways that gene sequences are stored
in computer readable files and be able to describe how big data formats
are different than common relational database technologies that require a lot of data modeling and planning
Data and Conceptual Harmony
In this module, you will be able to tell leaders and coworkers why they should invest time
in creating data dictionaries and other meta-data.
You'll be able to describe why one burn registry had data fragmentation issues,
and how a variety of standardization and centralization processes helped to achieve data harmony.
You'll be able to answer why it is necessary to integrate data, even though the data is coming from disparate sources.
You'll be able to perform data mapping as well as communicate the technical terms used to describe and perform record linkages.