Week 1: What is Coding, What is Minecraft, and How Can I Teach Coding with Minecraft?
Introduce yourself to the world of coding and coding education by joining our community of educators within this course.
Hear from the instructors on why teaching coding is important, and learn about the possibilities of learning to teach
it for your students. Get an introduction to Minecraft and what it means to “Mod Minecraft.” Sign up for the software
that will make teaching coding with Minecraft a snap!
Week 2: Learn to Code!
Start learning how to code on your own!
This week will require you to be unafraid of failure and learn the basics of coding,
all you need is your logic skills and a bit of patience, the course and LearnTomod software will guide you through the rest!
Week 3: Curriculum and Lesson Plans
With examples from the instructions,
learn how to write your own lesson plans to ensure your students are learning the basics
of coding through Minecraft. Adjust lesson plans to fit your teaching style, your classroom, and your particular set of students.
Week 4 (and beyond): Community Building
One of the most important parts of learning is having a community to do
it with, folks with similar interests whom encourage you to bounce ideas off of.
Continue learning and contributing to the community that is this course by sharing
your lesson plans, giving feedback to others, and developing new lesson plans with fellow teachers.